Community Impact

United Way supports strategies that promote healthy behaviors, provide short- and long-term benefits for children and families, and reduce costs for the community.
This year, the United Way of Carlton County invested in the following programs to help promote healthy lifestyles in our community:​
Human Development Center (HDC): Outreach Center Program & Services
Just Kids Dental
Children's Dental Services
North Country Ride
United Way focuses on cradle-to-career education strategies that provide a firm foundation at an early age and continue to help develop our children into successful adults who can contribute to their communities.
This year, the United Way of Carlton County invested in the following programs to give kids a hand in their education and healthy development:
Carlton County Collaborative: Jump Start 4 Kindergarten
Carlton County Historical Society
Young Life
Girl Scouts of Minnesota & Wisconsin Lakes & Pines: Girl Scout Leadership Pathways
Voyageurs Area Council Boy Scouts: Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Venturing, and Exploring
Dolly Parton's Imagination Library Program
Backpack program

Basic Needs
This year, the United Way of Carlton County invested in the following programs to make sure individuals and families have access to food, shelter, legal representation, and other basic needs:
Tri-Community Food Shelf: Emergency Food Program
First Witness
Legal Aid Services of Minnesota
Safe Haven
Changing Gaits
East Central School District
Kerrick Community Center
Operation Community Connect
Summer Food Program
Homeless Youth Program