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Volunteers Needed
Stuff Backpacks or the BBQ and Backpack Give Away Event
Our 3rd annual BBQ and Backpack Giveaway event is coming this August.
We need volunteers to help stuff backpacks with school supplies on August 8th from 9 a.m. to noon.
Loading the trailer on the morning of August 12 from 10 noon and August 12th from 2:00-7:oo p.m.
To make this another successful event, we need volunteers like you! Bring your friends and family; many hands make light work!

Volunteers Needed
Salvation Army - Food Shelf
Duties to be Performed:
Unloading pallets
Unloading boxes of food onto shelves
Putting boxes of meat in freezers
** Need to be able to lift 50-75 lbs.
16 and under need to have a parent stay with them.
For more information
Call: 218-879-1693 or visit site.

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